Home Coyote Report Date MM slash DD slash YYYY Time Hours : Minutes AM PM AM/PM LocationNumber of VictimsAge & Sex of victim(s)Please add one per line, eg: 24, male 31, female 29, femaleActivity of the victim(s) prior to the attackActivity of the coyote(s) prior to the attackDescription of the confrontationActions taken by victim(s) and/or bystander(s) to ward off the coyote(s)Injuries sustained from the attackWas a domestic pet involved in the incident? Yes No Any prior encounters with coyote(s) in the same general areaUpload images or video Drop files here or Select files Accepted file types: gif, png, jpg, mp4, mov, avi, Max. file size: 64 MB, Max. files: 4. Upload any images or videos of the incidentHow was the interaction for you? How do you think it was for the coyote?CAPTCHA