Board of Governors (BoG) Entrance Scholarships

Acknowledging the effort required to excel academically in high school, Brandon University automatically considers applicants from accredited Canadian high schools for Board of Governors (BoG) Entrance Scholarships.

To be considered for this award, students must attend Brandon University directly from high school; however, one-year “gap year” is permitted as long as you do not pursue any accredited post-secondary education during that time.

Scholarship Tiers

BoG Entrance Scholarship amounts are related to high school average as indicated below:

Tier High School Average Scholarship Amount
I Greater than or equal to 95% $2,000.00
II Greater than or equal to 92.5% $1,700.00
III Greater than or equal to 90% $1,400.00
IV Greater than or equal to 87.5% $1,100.00
V Greater than or equal to 85% $800.00

Students who have been offered a BoG Entrance Scholarship on the basis of final Grade 11 grades will have their files reassessed upon receipt of final Grade 12 grades, and the amount awarded may increase to a higher tier if warranted. Under no circumstances will the amount offered be reduced or reversed, provided students meet the requirements of the scholarship.

High School Average Calculation

Brandon University will consider students who are in their graduating year of high school for BoG Entrance Scholarships based on final Grade 11 or final Grade 12 grades according to when they applied to the University:

Brandon University Application Date High School Grades Used For BoG Entrance Scholarship Consideration
Before June 28 Final Grade 11 grades
Between June 28 and published University application deadline Final Grade 12 grades

Brandon University will consider students who have graduated from high school and who are taking a maximum of one gap year (with no accredited post-secondary study) for BoG Entrance Scholarships based on final Grade 12 grades.

Averages are calculated on five Grade 11 or five Grade 12 courses:

  • English 30S or 40S
  • Mathematics (Applied Mathematics 30S / 40S or Pre-calculus 30S / 40S)
  • Three additional 30S or 40S courses from the Approved High School Courses list

Approved High School Courses

  • Accounting Principles 30S / Accounting Systems 40S
  • Anthropology 40S
  • Biology 30S / 40S
  • Chemistry 30S / 40S
  • Computer Science 30S / 40S
  • Creative Arts – maximum one of:
    • Art or Visual Art 30S / 40S
    • Dramatic Arts 30S / 40S
    • Music 30S / 40S (Band, Choral, Guitar, Strings, Vocals, or Private Music Option)
  • Current Topics in First Nations, Metis, Inuit Studies 40S
  • Economics 40S
  • Family Studies 30S/40S
  • French/Français 30S / 40S (or other 30S / 40S language course)
  • Geography 40S (or Social Studies 30S)
  • History – maximum one of:
    • History 30F
    • History of Western Civilization 40S
    • Canadian History 40S
    • World Issues 40S
    • Cinema as a Witness to Modern History 40S
  • Law 40S
  • Physics 40S
  • Psychology 30S/40S
  • Religion 40S

In all cases, the Registrar is empowered to authorize such variations as may be necessary to reflect the course schedules of individual high schools.

Minimum Registration Requirement

Regardless of the value of a BoG scholarship received, recipients must maintain registration in a minimum of 12 credit hours at Brandon University in each of the Fall and Winter terms of the year in which they hold the scholarship.