What is Mandatory Advising?

New students at Brandon University have a hold placed on their registration until they have seen an advisor to help them choose appropriate courses and understand degree requirements and other useful information.  After a student has met with an advisor, the initial hold is lifted.

What is Trek?

Trek is the name for advising sessions for new students in Bachelors programs in Arts, Science, Physical Education, Fine Arts, Environmental Science, Health Studies and Business Administration.  These sessions start on the first day of registration for new students, which is typically early in May.  The Trek sessions held in May are recommended because they include information sessions on additional topics such as student finances, BU information technology and because the earlier a student registers, the fewer courses are full.

When Should I See an Academic Advisor?

You are required to see an academic advisor when you are registering for your first courses. Other times you might want to see an Academic Advisor include:

  • When you are considering making a course change and you are not sure how it will affect your eligibility to graduate
  • When you need help determining entrance requirements for other programs
  • When you want to take some courses at other universities and you want help to find out which courses should transfer

Some degree programs, such as Arts, Science, Phys Ed, Fine Arts and Environmental Science, only require advising for the initial registration.  Other degree programs require advising every time a student registers for a course or changes a course. If you are not sure if advising is required every time or optional, your advisor can tell you.

Which Academic Advisor Should I See?


