Welcome Preceptors!

This is a website for preceptors of students in the Bachelor of Science in Psychiatric Nursing program at Brandon University.  The website is intended to provide preceptors access to course related documents in an effort to increase efficiency and environmental friendliness.

The website link, course name, and password were provided in the preceptor letter that was sent to you via email.  Please click on the course name on the left under the “B.Sc.P.N. Clinical” heading.  You will then be taken to a new page and prompted to put in the password.

If you have any difficulties accessing the documents, please email Jacquie Pentney, Clinical Placement Coordinator/Brandon campus at pentneyj@brandonu.ca.

Included below are links to Health Studies policies that are applicable to clinical practica as well as a link to the current Student Handbook.  If you have any questions regarding the course documents, policies or information found in the Handbook, please do not hesitate to contact the course faculty indicated either in the preceptor letter or specific course web page.

Attendance Policy

Bullying in the Clinical Practice Area

Cell Phone Policy

E-mail Communication Policy

Clinical Practicum Requirements

Fragrance Free Environment Policy

Confidentiality & Personal Health Information Act (PHIA)

Professional Dress Code
Unsafe/Unprofessional Clinical Practice 
Student Handbook

Click here to view all the Health Studies policies applicable to students in the psychiatric nursing program.