Teaching Enhancement Conversations

  • Wednesday August 30, 2023
  • Rowe Theatre (Top floor Education Building)
  • 9:00 am to 12:00 pm
  • Juice and coffee served from 8:30 to 9:00 am

For the last 10 plus years we have called the CTLT end-of-summer faculty and academic staff meet up, the Teaching Enhancement Conference.

This year, to try something new, we are going to offer Teaching Enhancement Conversations.

There will be a short introductory full-group session, then breakouts into a slate of nearby classrooms for variety of conversations through the morning.

Using a variety of approaches (including Know, Wonder, Learn) BU Faculty and academic staff will present briefly on the topic followed by sharing of methods found useful so far. The goal is to share our best critical and creative thinking about the challenges we face each term.

  • BU’s processes of handling academic misconduct
  • Exploring the range of educational designs that ensure accurate assessment of student learning, NOT AI-Generated submissions
  • Equitably excellent Academic Accommodations
  • A wider welcome to our increasingly diverse student body (with a as much student representation as we can manage)
  • A spontaneous self-organizing session on the day

We will convene at 9:00 am in the Rowe Theatre. Following the full group meeting, you may attend each by stepping room to room (top floor Education building) or put all your morning energy into one subject.

The flexibility required on the morning means these will be in person only sessions; summaries of learning from the day will be shared online later.

Please register today to help us plan for the number attending. Further information will be sent closer to the Teaching Enhancement Conversations.

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