Master of Psychiatric Nursing Community Commons

The Community Commons is a MOODLE site developed to provide a mechanism for communication between students and faculty, and among students. The site includes:
- A news forum for sharing information about, for example, scholarships, policy changes, reminders about deadlines, or course changes;
- A coffee room for students and faculty to maintain asynchronous contact with one another regardless of which course(s) students are enrolled in;
- A chat room for synchronous contact; and
- A student representation forum to enable confidential communication between students and with your student representative.
All students and faculty associated with the program are subscribed to the news forum, coffee room, and online chat. The Community Commons is not intended to duplicate student resources available on the MPN webpages, but may be used to provide information on changes and updates to the webpages.
Only students are subscribed to the Student Representation forum. Faculty are unable to access the forum. This provides an opportunity for students to discuss topics of interest and concern with each other, and with your student representative to the Graduate Health Studies Steering Committee.