Senate Sub-Committee Membership
Sub- Committees of Senate
2024 – 2025
- The Chair of Senate is an ex-officio member of all standing committees.
Executive Committee
- President (Chair): David Docherty
- Provost and Vice-President (Academic): Kofi Campbell
- Arts: Doug Ramsey
- Science: Dion Wiseman
- Education: Matteo Di Muro
- Music: TBE
- Health Studies: Kathryn Chachula
- Student Senator: Charles Adamu
- Secretary (non-voting): Andrea McDaniel
Support: Britney McNamee, Academic Governance Administrative Assistant
Academic Integrity Committee:
- Provost and Vice-President (Academic) (Chair): Kofi Campbell
- Dean of Students: Katie Whelpton
- Faculty/School Dean: Christophe LeMoine
- Faculty/School Dean (Alternate): Greg Gatien
- Arts-elected: Mostafa Torabi (term ends 2026)
- Arts-elected alternate: Dale Lakevold (term ends 2026)
- Science-elected: Bryan Hill (term ends 2026)
- Science-elected alternate: Simon Pattison (term ends 2026)
- Education-elected: Matteo DiMuro (term ends 2025)
- Education-elected alternate: Jackie Kirk (term ends 2025)
- Music-elected: Edward Bach (term ends 2025)
- Music-elected alternate: Megumi Masaki (term ends 2025)
- Health Studies-elected: Laura Irwin (term ends 2026)
- Health Studies-elected alternate: Cindy Finlayson (term ends 2026)
- Undergraduate student: Charles Adamu
- Undergraduate student alternate: Kesha Haulder
- Graduate student: Mabel Dzigbordzi
- Graduate student alternate: Richard Adu
- Secretary (non-voting): Andrea McDaniel
Support: Britney McNamee, Academic Governance Administrative Assistant
Graduate Studies Committee
- Vice-President, Research & Graduate Studies (Chair): Bernadette Ardelli
- Dean of Arts: Gregory Kennedy
- Acting Dean, Faculty of Science: Christophe LeMoine
- Dean, Faculty of Education: Alysha Farrell
- Dean, School of Music: Greg Gatien
- Acting Dean, Faculty of Health Studies: Linda Ross
- Dean of Students: Katie Whelpton
- Chief Information Officer: Melanie Sucha
- Arts-elected: Eftihia Mihelakis
- Science-elected: Michael Charette
- Education-elected: Jackie Kirk
- Music-elected: TBE
- Health Studies-elected: Candice Waddell-Henowitch
- Graduate Student #1: Mabel Dzigbordzi
- Graduate Student #2: Richard Adu
- Secretary (non-voting): Andrea McDaniel
Support: Britney McNamee, Academic Governance Administrative Assistant
Indigenous Curricular Content Committee
- Provost and Vice-President (Academic): Kofi Campbell (Co-Chair)
- Associate Vice-President, Indigenous Initiatives: Chris Lagimodiere (Co-Chair)
- Chair of the Native Studies Department: Velvet Maud
- Director of the Indigenous Peoples’ Centre: Julia Stoneman-Sinclair
- Knowledge Keepers: Barbara Blind and Susie McPherson-Derendy
- One Academic Dean: Greg Gatien
- Undergraduate Student appointed by the Director of the Indigenous Peoples’ Centre: TBE (term ends 2025)
- One Representative from Senate-eligible members: TBE (term ends 2025)
Support: Shannon Downey, Executive Officer to the Provost & Vice President (Academic) and Research Ethics Officer
Indigenous Education Committee
- Associate Vice-President, Indigenous Initiatives (Co-Chair): Chris Lagimodiere
- Director, Indigenous Peoples’ Centre (Co-Chair): Julia Stoneman-Sinclair
- Provost & Vice-President (Academic): Kofi Campbell
- Three members of Senate, including a BUSU representative: Bernadette Ardelli, Michelle Magnusson, Kesha Haulder
- Arts-elected: Ian Puppe
- Arts-elected alternate: Natalie LaFleur
- Science-elected: Mizhar Mikati
- Education-elected: Burcu Yaman Ntelioglou
- Music-elected: Nora Wilson
- Health Studies-elected: Nancy McPherson
- Dean of Students: Katie Whelpton
- Chief Information Officer: Melanie Sucha
- Five Indigenous students: Stephanie Spence, Nichelle Wilk, Justine Hutcheson, TBE, TBE
- One faculty member, PENT: John Minshull
- One member, Department of Native Studies: Ian Puppe
- One member, Brandon Urban Aboriginal Peoples’ Council: Vacant
- Indigenous representative, Brandon School Division Administration: Vacant
- Indigenous representative, Manitoba Métis Federation: Vacant
- Indigenous representative, Assiniboine College: Vacant
- Anishinabek Knowledge Keeper: Barb Blind
- Dakota Knowledge Keeper: Lorraine Pompana
- Inuit Knowledge Keeper: Vacant
- Métis Knowledge Keeper: Joan Church
- Ininew Knowledge Keeper: Susie McPherson
Support: Lacey Roulette, Administrative Assistant to the Associate Vice-President, Indigenous Initiatives
Committee to Administer the Stanley Knowles Distinguished Visiting Professorship
- Provost and Vice-President (Academic) or designate (Chair): Kofi Campbell
- Arts-elected: Mostafa Torabi
- Science-elected: Marysia Lazinski
- Education-elected: Cathryn Smith
- Music-elected: TBE
- Health Studies-elected: Dean Care
- Student Senator, elected by Senate: Kesha Haulder
Support: Karen Pilling, Administrative Assistant, Office of the Provost & Vice-President (Academic)
Library & Archives Committee
- Chief Information Officer (Chair): Melanie Sucha
- Arts-elected: Doug Ramsey, Jonathan Allan
- Science-elected: Shrinwantu Pal
- Education-elected: Chris Beeman
- Music-elected: Sarah Hall
- Health Studies-elected: Nadine Henriquez
- Undergraduate Student Senator elected by Senate: Chidimma Joy Chikezie
- BUSU Council-appointed: TBE
- Librarian: Stacey Lee
- Librarian: Rainer Schira
- Senate Representative: Simon Pattison
Senate Research Committee
- Vice-President, Research & Graduate Studies (Chair): Bernadette Ardelli
- Chair of Research Ethics Committee: Chris Hurst (term ends Aug. 2024)
- Chair of Animal Care Committee: Tammy McKenzie (term ends Aug. 2024)
- Chair of the Biosafety Committee: Kerry Murkin
- Manager of Research Services: Kerry Murkin
- Arts-elected: Mohamed Ebeid (term ends Apr. 2026)
- Science-elected: Michael Charette (term ends Aug. 2027)
- Education-elected: Burcu Yaman Ntelioglou (term ends Aug. 2027)
- Music-elected: Andrée Dagenais (term ends Aug. 2026)
- Health Studies-elected: Candice Waddell-Henowitch (term ends Aug. 2026)
- Senator-elected: Ariane Hanemaayer (term ends Aug. 2026)
- Member elected by BU Research Committee: Paul Alexandre (term ends Aug. 2025)
- Undergraduate student elected by Senate: Hrishikesh Patel (term ends Aug. 2024)
- Graduate student elected by Senate: Robyn Allen (term ends Aug. 2024)
Support: Todd Martin, Administrative Assistant – Office of the Vice-President (Research & Graduate Studies)
Research Ethics Sub-Committee/Animal Care Committee/BioSafety Committee
All members appointed by the Senate Research Committee
Scholarships & Awards Committee
- Senate-elected: Greg Gatien
- Arts-elected: Keith Edmunds; Susan Medd (alternate)
- Science-elected: Todd Fugleberg
- Education-elected: Sandy Margetts
- Music-elected: Megumi Masaki
- Health Studies-elected: Denise Hardy
- Director, Admissions & Awards: Anna Frey
- Director, Indigenous Peoples’ Center: Julia Stoneman-Sinclair
- Director, Recruitment & Retention: Leanne Barcellona
- Secretary (non-voting): Andrea McDaniel
Support: Melissa Ballard, Scholarships & Awards Clerk
Student Appeals Committee
- Provost and Vice-President (Academic) (Chair): Kofi Campbell
- Dean of Students: Katie Whelpton
- Arts-elected: Rhonda Hinther (on sabbatical until July 1, 2024; term ends 2025). Alternate: Dominique Hétu (February – June 2024)
- Science-elected: Simon Pattison (term ends in 2026)
- Education-elected: Tom Skinner (term ends in 2025)
- Music-elected: Sarah Hall (term ends in 2024)
- Health Studies-elected: Laura Van Mulligen (term ends in 2025)
- BUSU Undergraduate student appointed: Chidimma Joy Chikezie
- BUSU Graduate student appointed: Mabel Dzigbordzi
- Secretary (non-voting): Andrea McDaniel
Support: Britney McNamee, Academic Governance Administrative Assistant
Undergraduate Studies Committee
- Provost and Vice-President (Academic) (Chair): Kofi Campbell
- Dean, Arts: Gregory Kennedy
- Acting Dean, Faculty of Science: Christophe Lemoine
- Dean, Faculty of Education: Alysha Farrell
- Dean, School of Music: Greg Gatien
- Acting Dean, Faculty of Health Studies: Linda Ross
- Dean of Students: Katie Whelpton
- Chief Information Officer: Melanie Sucha
- Arts-elected: Steve Robinson; Reinhold Kramer (alternate)
- Science-elected: Shannon Gadbois
- Education-elected: Joe Stouffer
- Music-elected: Luis Deniz
- Health Studies-elected: Stacey Beeston
- BUSU Council-appointed: Charles Adamu
- BUSU Council-appointed: Chidimma Joy Chikezie
- Secretary (non-voting): Andrea McDaniel
Support: Britney McNamee, Academic Governance Administrative Assistant
Ad Hoc Committees of Senate
Liberal Education Requirement Review Committee
Established by the Senate: June 18, 2024
Reports to the Senate: October 15, 2024
- Arts-elected: Rosanne Gasse
- Science-elected: Chris Malcolm
- Education-elected: Andrea Antoniuk
- Music-elected: TBE
- Health Studies-elected: TBE
- Dean-elected: Gregory Kennedy
- Arts Student Representative: Janine Campbell
- Science Student Representative: Jackie Tran
- Education Student Representative: TBE
- Secretary (non-voting): Andrea McDaniel
Support: Britney McNamee, Academic Governance Administrative Assistant
Non-credit Certificate Policy Review Committee
Established by the Senate: February 13, 2024
Reports to the Senate: September 17, 2024
- Arts-elected: Dominique Hétu
- Science-elected: Rachel Herron
- Education-elected: Matteo DiMuro
- Music-elected: TBE
- Health Studies-elected: Leanne Eros
- Undergraduate student: TBE
- Graduate Student: TBE
- Director of the Centre for Teaching, Learning, and Technology: Curt Shoultz
- Secretary (non-voting): Andrea McDaniel
Support: Britney McNamee, Academic Governance Administrative Assistant
University Examinations Policy Review Committee
Established by the Senate: November 21, 2023
Reports to the Senate: May 14, 2024
- Student Accessibility Services representative (Chair): Michelle Magnusson
- Arts-elected: Deanna Smid
- Science-elected: Pamela Rutherford
- Education-elected: Jill Morris
- Music-elected: Nora Wilson
- Health Studies-elected: Nadine Smith
- Two Student Senators: Chidimma Joy Chikezie and Charles Adamu
- Secretary (non-voting): Andrea McDaniel
Support: Britney McNamee, Academic Governance Administrative Assistant