Cassan Geiler

Cassan Geiler

What education have you taken?

​I graduated high school in 2013 and though I loved school, I felt the urge to take a year off and travel. I traveled all over Europe where I saw amazing sights and met fellow travelers that would become lifelong friends. I started at B.U. the following September, but still wasn’t sure where my education would lead me, so I took another year off to study in Costa Rica with YWAM (Youth with a Mission). This year I am back at B.U. and loving my courses in Women’s Studies, Political Science, and Religion.

What accomplishments are you proud of?

Although I have found much success in academics, I am most proud of the contributions I have made through volunteer work in my community and in the many places I have travelled. I began volunteering early, helping out in the nursery and continuing in several roles helping kids, including working with at-risk kids in an after school literacy program. My first “big” volunteer adventure took me to Mexico where I worked in an orphanage, offered street outreach and assisted with kids’ day programs. I guess you could say volunteering is in my blood – there are always opportunities to serve my community and my world!

Tell me about yourself.

​I was born in Brandon and I have 4 brothers. I have spent every summer of my life at Clear Lake where my parents owned a small hotel and various other businesses. I’ve worked every summer since I was 14 years old and love everything about Clear Lake. At the lake we work hard, but we get to play hard, too – hiking, biking, swimming, and lake friends make summers the best.

I love to travel and have already been to over fourteen countries. I don’t see myself ever giving up traveling, whatever I end up doing!

How did you become interested in your field of study?

​My major is Philosophy and I am working towards a double minor in Political Science and Religion. I’ve always been interested in politics, but discovered a love of philosophy in university. I love to think about the world and the “big questions” in life, and philosophy provides a framework for that. Likewise, study of religions offers a view of so many ways of thinking and gives us a glimpse of the world beyond our own narrow experiences.

What is your philosophy in life?

​I believe that everyone has the ability to make the world a better place. I think that discovering good in the world and in people is a lifelong journey.

Where do you see yourself in the future?

​I know that politics and travel are in my future, but I don’t know yet what that’s going to look like. I believe that the world is changing for the better in all kinds of ways and I want to be a part of that process. I see my education as a stepping stone for building the skills and knowledge I need for my journey.

Nominator’s Comments:

Cassan was in my Introduction to Political Philosophy class last term. She achieved outstanding grades in this course and contributed regularly to class debates. While she was never afraid of opposing the views of her class mates she always did so in a respectful matter – demonstrating what philosophical debates ought to be like.