Indigenous Peoples’ Centre
Our centre becomes a home away from home for students. Here you will find a lounging area of couches to relax on between classes and to engage in supportive conversation with fellow students. We offer free soup for everyone to meet and have a meal together. Most importantly, we offer you a family and friendships that will last you a lifetime. We learn through gathering that even though we may lead different lives, we are the same.
Fact: 50% of Aboriginal teachers employed in Manitoba come from the BU Faculty of Education
Transition Supports
Assistance connecting with community resources e.g., housing, schools, daycare, doctors, dentists, etc.
Academic Supports
Tutors, workshops, study groups, group tutorials, referrals to learning skills development supports, proof reading, reference texts
13% of BU students identify as Indigenous
Cultural/Spiritual Supports
Cultural events including the annual “Our Journey” graduation celebration, sweat lodges, round dances, Elder visits, storytelling, pipe ceremonies, medicine picking, tea and storytelling, skirt making, beading club, drum making and drum group, and more.
Personal & Social Supports
Movie nights, community volunteering, family get-togethers, holiday feasts, gardening, crafts, beading, speakers, a place to meet and visit
Dedicated Staff Support
- Indigenous student orientation
- Indigenous student collective
- Potlucks
- Computer lab with printing
- Scanner and fax
- Study space
- Smudging and Elders’ room
- Child friendly play area
- Smart TV
- Comfortable common area
Our promise to you :
- High quality education
- Welcoming atmosphere
- Exceptional education & preparation for career or academic goals
- Social development to help you in your community
- Individual support
- Holistic programming
Brandon University campuses are located on both Treaty 1 and Treaty 2 territories. Our main campus is located in Brandon, Manitoba, on Treaty 2 territory. This is traditional shared land between the Dakota, Ojibway and Métis peoples. We at Brandon University acknowledge and respect the history, land and the people of this area.
On behalf of Brandon University, I welcome you to the traditional homelands of the Dakota, Anishinabek, Oji-Cree, Cree, Dene, and Metis peoples.