Publication Archive

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Rural-Urban Fringe in Canada: Conflict and Controversy
Beesley, KennethNovember 2010
Geographic Perspectives on Sustainable Rural Change
Koster, Rhonda; Ramsey, Doug; Robinson, Guy M.; Winchell, Dick G.November 2010
Rural Community Health and Well-Being: A Guide to Action
Annis, Robert; Beattie, Marian; Racher, Frances F.November 2004
The Structure and Dynamics of Rural Territories: Geographical Perspective
Bryant, Christopher; Ramsey, DougJuly 2004
Building for Success: Exploration of Rural Community and Rural Development
Halseth, Greg; Halseth, RegineJune 2004
The New Countryside, Geographic Perspectives on Rural Change
Beesley, Kenneth; Harrington, Lisa; Ilber, Brian; Millward, HughJune 2003