Rural/Northern Health & Well-Being
Indicators of northern health: A resource for Northern Manitobans and the Bayline Regional Round Table. Final report
– (January). Pachkowski, K., Moss, A., Racher, F., & Annis R. C.
Health care access of northern residents: MB/SK workshop. Final report.
– Moss, A., Hamilton, C., Racher, F., Jeffery, B., & Annis, R. C.
Community collaboration to improve health care access of northern residents
– (June). Poster presented at the Boom Bust Economies: Impact on Rural and Remote Communities, Inuvik, NT. Moss, A., Racher, F., & Mosset, L.
Manitoba research partners and community collaboration process. Access to health services by northern residents: MB/SK workshop
– (April). Presented at Manitoba/Saskatchewan Cross-Border Workshop on Northern Health Access, Saskatoon, SK. Moss, A., & Racher, F., & Annis, R. C.
Community collaboration to improve health care access of northern residents: Manitoba research findings
– (April). Presented at Manitoba/Saskatchewan Cross-Border Workshop on Northern Health Access, Saskatoon, SK. Moss, A., DeLorande-Colombe, D., & Racher, F.
Community placements teach community development to nursing students
– Presented at 2007 CRRF Conference, Vermilion, AB. Pachkowski, K., & Racher, F.
Community collaboration to improve health care access of northern residents
– Presented at 2007 CRRF Conference, Vermilion, AB. Mosset, L., Moss, A., Racher, F., & Annis, R. C.
Community-led processes for regional collaboration
– Presented at the 19th IUHPE World Conference on Health Promotion and Education, Vancouver, BC. Annis, R. C., Racher, F., & Beattie, M.
Community Collaboration to Improve Health Care Access of Northern Residents Project model and overview
– Presented at the Workshop of BRRT, RHAs, and Other Stakeholders, Thompson, MB. Annis, R. C., & Racher, F.
The Community health action model: Health promotion by the community. Working paper
– Racher, F.,& Annis, R. C.
Improving Health Care Access of Northern Residents
– Factsheet.
Reflections on rural and northern poverty, presentation to the standing senate committee on agriculture and forestry. Annis, R. C., Moss, A., & Gibson R.
Canadian Rural Health Research Society. Presented at NRRN Annual Conference Rural Research 2005: An Overview of Canadian Rural Research, Twillingate, NL. Racher, F.
Collaborative model for community health action
– Presented at Rural and Northern Health Research: Bridging the Distance Conference, Quebec City, QC. Annis, R. C., & Racher, F.
Picturing rural communities: Using photovoice in community development
– Presented at NRRN Annual Conference Rural Research 2005: An Overview of Canadian Rural Research, Twillingate, NL. Side, K., Annis, R. C., Racher, F., & Dornian, J.
Determinants of Health of Rural Populations and Communities Research Project. Final report
– Annis, R. C.
Leaf Rapids community assessment. Rural Development Institute & Town of Leaf Rapids.
Changing needs of rural and northern women in Manitoba. Working paper 2005-10
– Kelly, B., & Idehen, O.
Rural community health and well-being: A guide to action
– Annis, R. C., Racher, F., & Beattie, M. (order this publication)
CAT SCAN Shoal Lake Community Assessment Team (CAT) rural lifestyle report. Annis, R. C., & Shoal Lake Community Assessment Team.
Virden-Wallace rural lifestyle assessment. Annis, R. C., & Virden-Wallace Rural Lifestyle Assessment Project Team.
Defining ‘rural’ and ‘rurality’ for health and health services research
– Workshop report for the Rural Development Institute, Brandon University; and the Department of Community Health and Epidemiology, Dalhousie University. Racher, F., & Guernsey, J.
Is Brandon child and youth friendly? A community consultation
– Ek, D. N., & Funk, E.
Centre of Excellence for Child and Youth Centered Prairie Communities. Brandon site literature review summary report
– Ek, D. N., & Funk, E.
Mentoring youth in Brandon: Successes, challenges and best practices. Brandon site project 2
– Ek, D. N., & Funk, E.
Discourse analysis of policy concerning seniors and aging. Massam, B., & Garrison, R.
RDI Rural Report: Special issue on health – Fall Issue