Summer Courses Abroad

Spanish as a Second Language – Monterrey Tech, Mexico

Monterrey Tech, Campus Leon is aware of the importance of learning more than a language now a days. Our students have to be more competitive and a way of being competitive is speaking more than your native language. That is why we are concerned in attending this need: we offer a Spanish as a Second Language Course. This course may be just for the summer time (Intensive course) or for a whole semester, making a complement with regular courses of the University.

We are offering Spanish courses along with cultural excursions to help the students learn the language while they are living the Mexican culture through immersion.

We are offering 6 levels of Spanish

  • Basic I and II
  • Intermediate I and II
  • Advanced I and II

In an Intensive summer course (4 weeks) you can achieve 1 Spanish level, while in a semester course (16 weeks) 2 Spanish levels can be achieved.

Some of the cultural excursions we are going to make are:

  • 200 year old ex-hacienda Sepulveda
  • Pyramids of Teotihuacan
  • 500 year old Colonial Guanajuato or San Miguel Allende
  • Tequila Factory
  • Spanish as a Second Language and Regular Courses ITESM Leon 02
  • Spanish as a Second Language and Regular Courses ITESM Leon 03
  • Spanish as a Second Language and Regular Courses ITESM Leon 04
  • Spanish as a Second Language and Regular Courses ITESM Leon

For more information, please contact:

Lic. Cecilia Valdés González
Coordinadora de Programas Internacionales ITESM Campus León
Tel. 710-90-53
Fax 710-90-15

Lic. Quetzali Flores Borrego
Directora de Programas Internacionales ITESM Campus León
Tel. (52) 477.710.90.53
(52) 477.710.90.00 Ext. 2112 4415
Fax.(52) 477.710.90.15