academic writing |
Joan Garbutt Roberto Limongi
accommodations and accessibility |
Andrea Thomson
acute care psychiatric nursing |
Andrea Thomson
age-friendly |
Nancy Newall
aging |
Rachel Herron
agricultural diversification |
Dr. Doug Ramsey
agriculture |
Alexander Koiter
ally develop |
Joan Garbutt
allyship |
Joan Garbutt
amphibian |
Pamela Rutherford
angiogenesis |
Mousumi Majumder
animal behaviour |
Pamela Rutherford
animal physiology |
Dr. Barry Madison
anti-racism |
Dr. Michelle Lam
applied music |
Prof. Kerry DuWors
aquaculture & fisheries |
Dr. Barry Madison
aquatic ecosystem health |
Dr. Barry Madison
beekeeping in manitoba |
Deanna Smid
bees |
Deanna Smid
bees as literary symbol |
Deanna Smid
biomarker |
Mousumi Majumder
breast cancer |
Mousumi Majumder
building inclusive communities |
Dr. Jacqueline Kirk
business strategy |
Mostafa Torabi
care and caregiving |
Rachel Herron
caring and empathetic communities |
Dr. Jacqueline Kirk
caring and empathetic leadership |
Dr. Jacqueline Kirk
case study metholodgy |
Aloysius Anyichie
censorship |
Jonathan A. Allan
chamber music |
Prof. Kerry DuWors
chinatown |
Dr. Alison Marshall
chinese canadian history |
Dr. Alison Marshall
chinese religion |
Dr. Alison Marshall
circumcision |
Jonathan A. Allan
classical music |
Prof. Kerry DuWors
cognitive neuroscience |
Roberto Limongi
collaboration |
Prof. Kerry DuWors Leanne Zacharias
community engagement |
Leanne Zacharias
community well-being |
Dr. Doug Ramsey
community-based research |
Rachel Herron
compassion fatigue, burnout, secondary traumatic stress, vicarious trauma, ptsd |
Kathryn Chachula
computational cognitive neuroscience |
Roberto Limongi
concept analysis (walker & avant) & systematic reviews (joanna briggs institute) |
Kathryn Chachula
conservation biology |
Pamela Rutherford
consumer behavior |
Mostafa Torabi
contaminants |
Dr. Barry Madison
contemporary music |
Prof. Kerry DuWors Leanne Zacharias
contemporary performance practice |
Leanne Zacharias
cross-genre music creation and performance |
Leanne Zacharias
culturally responsive teaching |
Aloysius Anyichie
customer satisfaction |
Mostafa Torabi
decolonization |
Joan Garbutt
dictator novels |
Jonathan A. Allan
dr. sun yatsen in canada |
Dr. Alison Marshall
drug-induced spirituality/religion |
Dr. Alison Marshall
duo-ethnography |
Dr. Jacqueline Kirk
early literacy |
Joe Stouffer
early modern literature |
Deanna Smid
early modern music |
Deanna Smid
economic geology |
Paul Alexandre
ecotourism |
Dr. Christopher Malcolm
ecotoxicology |
Dr. Barry Madison
ecstatic religious experience |
Dr. Alison Marshall
edna |
Dr. Barry Madison
educating psychiatric nurses |
Dr. Candice Waddell-Henowitch
educational leadership |
Dr. Jacqueline Kirk
emblem literature |
Deanna Smid
engagement |
Aloysius Anyichie
environmental engagement |
Leanne Zacharias
ep4 antagonist |
Mousumi Majumder
epistemic beliefs |
Dr. Ellen Watson
epistemic writing |
Roberto Limongi
equity |
Dr. Michelle Lam
erotic literature |
Jonathan A. Allan
ethics of care |
Dominique Hétu
fatherhood |
Jonathan A. Allan
filipino canadian history |
Dr. Alison Marshall
filipino religion |
Dr. Alison Marshall
fish physiology |
Dr. Christophe LeMoine
flooding |
Alexander Koiter
foreskin |
Jonathan A. Allan
formative assessment |
Joe Stouffer
gender |
Jonathan A. Allan
geochemistry |
Paul Alexandre
geochronology |
Paul Alexandre
geology |
Paul Alexandre
gerontology |
Nancy Newall
growth and development |
Dr. Emily Holland
health geography |
Rachel Herron
human dimensions of wildlife |
Dr. Christopher Malcolm
incivility and bullying in health care |
Kathryn Chachula
indigenous men wellness |
Dr. Candice Waddell-Henowitch
interdisciplinary performance |
Leanne Zacharias
intergenerational trauma |
Dr. Candice Waddell-Henowitch
islam on the canadian prairies |
Dr. Alison Marshall
juvenile skeletal remains |
Dr. Emily Holland
latin american literature |
Jonathan A. Allan
leaders' transitions |
Dr. Jacqueline Kirk
licensed practical nurses experiences of undergraduate nursing education |
Kathryn Chachula
literacy intervention |
Joe Stouffer
little ice age |
Deanna Smid
loneliness |
Nancy Newall
male infertility |
Jonathan A. Allan
masculinity |
Jonathan A. Allan
men's health |
Jonathan A. Allan
men's sexual and reproductive health |
Jonathan A. Allan
mental health |
Rachel Herron Dr. Candice Waddell-Henowitch
mental illness |
Dr. Candice Waddell-Henowitch
metabolic plasticity |
Dr. Christophe LeMoine
methods of skeletal analysis |
Dr. Emily Holland
micro rna (mirna) |
Mousumi Majumder
microplastics |
Dr. Christophe LeMoine
mineral exploration |
Paul Alexandre
mineralogy |
Paul Alexandre
mitochondria |
Dr. Christophe LeMoine
motivation |
Aloysius Anyichie
music performance |
Prof. Kerry DuWors
music research |
Prof. Kerry DuWors
narratives of vulnerability |
Dominique Hétu
national parks |
Dr. Christopher Malcolm
neuroscience and education |
Roberto Limongi
nurses and nursing students who experience disability |
Andrea Thomson
nutrients |
Alexander Koiter
obscenity |
Jonathan A. Allan
older adults |
Nancy Newall
online reviews |
Mostafa Torabi
open educational resources (oer) |
Joan Garbutt
ordinary ethics |
Dominique Hétu
oxidative stress |
Mousumi Majumder
performance curation |
Leanne Zacharias
physics education |
Dr. Ellen Watson
plastic biodegradation |
Dr. Christophe LeMoine
plastivores |
Dr. Christophe LeMoine
popular or everyday religion |
Dr. Alison Marshall
popular romance novels |
Jonathan A. Allan
pornography |
Jonathan A. Allan
professional development in education |
Dr. Jacqueline Kirk
protected areas |
Dr. Christopher Malcolm
psychiatric nursing and nursing education |
Andrea Thomson
psychiatric nursing practice |
Dr. Candice Waddell-Henowitch
qualitative |
Dr. Michelle Lam
qualitative research: grounded theory (glaser & charmaz), phenomenology (van manen), thematic analysis (braun & clarke) |
Kathryn Chachula
quantitatve (compare means, correlation, regression analyses) & mixed method approaches |
Kathryn Chachula
reading recovery |
Joe Stouffer
reading wars |
Joe Stouffer
recreation |
Dr. Christopher Malcolm
religion and migration |
Dr. Alison Marshall
religion and the built environment |
Dr. Alison Marshall
reptile |
Pamela Rutherford
residential schools and unmarked graves |
Dr. Emily Holland
roles of the school principal |
Dr. Jacqueline Kirk
rural |
Rachel Herron Dr. Michelle Lam
rural education |
Dr. Jacqueline Kirk
rural education leadership |
Dr. Jacqueline Kirk
rural mental health |
Dr. Candice Waddell-Henowitch
rural mental health practitioners |
Dr. Candice Waddell-Henowitch
rural tourism |
Dr. Doug Ramsey
scholarly writing |
Joan Garbutt
school division amalgamation |
Dr. Jacqueline Kirk
science education |
Dr. Ellen Watson
science fiction |
Deanna Smid
scientific policy |
Dr. Barry Madison
search and recovery of human remains |
Dr. Emily Holland
secretome |
Mousumi Majumder
sediment |
Alexander Koiter
self-regulated learning |
Aloysius Anyichie
sexual violence |
Dr. Candice Waddell-Henowitch
sexuality |
Jonathan A. Allan
shakespeare |
Deanna Smid
simulation and simulated learning environments |
Kathryn Chachula
site-specific |
Leanne Zacharias
social connection |
Nancy Newall
social isolation |
Nancy Newall
social media monitoring |
Mostafa Torabi
soil erosion |
Alexander Koiter
soil management |
Alexander Koiter
soil science |
Alexander Koiter
spirit mediumship and healing |
Dr. Alison Marshall
stress physiology |
Dr. Barry Madison
string literature |
Prof. Kerry DuWors
string pedagogy |
Prof. Kerry DuWors
strings |
Prof. Kerry DuWors
student experiences of psychological trauma and post-traumatic stress in health care |
Kathryn Chachula
suicide prevention |
Andrea Thomson
taphonomy and time since death |
Dr. Emily Holland
teacher education |
Dr. Jacqueline Kirk
technology in education |
Dr. Jacqueline Kirk
the kmt (guomindang) in canada |
Dr. Alison Marshall
theoretical neurobiology |
Roberto Limongi
tourism |
Dr. Christopher Malcolm
trauma |
Dr. Candice Waddell-Henowitch
tumor microenvironment |
Mousumi Majumder
vasectomy |
Jonathan A. Allan
violin |
Prof. Kerry DuWors
water management |
Alexander Koiter
water quality |
Dr. Barry Madison Alexander Koiter
waxworm |
Dr. Christophe LeMoine
wildlife |
Dr. Christopher Malcolm
wildlife management |
Dr. Christopher Malcolm
wildlife viewing |
Dr. Christopher Malcolm
women's writing |
Dominique Hétu
writing across the curriculum |
Roberto Limongi
writing centres |
Joan Garbutt
writing in the disciplines |
Roberto Limongi
writing to learn |
Roberto Limongi