Dr. Susan Chang Su

Associate Professor
  • BA, MA, PhD

Office: Room 1-17, John R. Brodie Centre

Email: SuS@BrandonU.CA

Phone: (204) 727-7305

Susan Chang Su is an Associate Professor in the Department of Psychology at Brandon University and a psychotherapist at the Wellness Counselling Centre for Youth of Canada. Dr. Su completed three post-doctoral fellowships in the Department of Psychology and Lillian/Meighan Wright Women Mental Health Research Centre at York University. Her research interests include cross-cultural studies on parenting styles, mixed methods to study the experiences, and responses to shame and guilt, the effects of social and cultural factors on Chinese immigrant mothers of children with developmental disabilities, cross-cultural studies on perfectionism and mental health, study on the differences of self-concept, mental health and academic achievements on Junior school students from divorced families and entire families in China. Most recently, she has been involved in research which was about acculturation, loneliness, and mental health studies on Chinese older adults under COVID-19 in the Department of Psychology at Ryerson University. She is also focusing on the mental health and well-being of international students in universities/colleges in Canada under COVID-19.

Dr. Su has over fifteen years of teaching psychological courses in a variety of universities/ colleges at undergraduate and graduate levels. The main courses she has taught in undergraduate level include Introduction to Psychology, Developmental Psychology, Social Psychology, Cross-cultural Psychology, The Principles of Learning, Abnormal Psychology, Intermediate Research Methods in Psychology, Behaviour Analysis, Assessing Complementary Alternative Therapy, Aging and Mental Health, Psychology of Aging, Research and Professional Development, Theories of Pedagogy, Educational Psychology, and Teaching Methodology for Teachers Training Program. The graduate level teaching courses she has taught for the Master’s Degree of Counselling Psychology include Counseling Psychology, Couples Counseling, Counselling Methodology, and Research Methodology in Social Science.

Our Current Research Project: Mental Health, and Psychological Well-Being on International Students of Universities/Colleges in Canada amidst COVID-19. Recent Poster Presentation in International Convention of Psychology Society (ICPS) in March of 2023,

Mental Health, and Psychological Well-Being on International Students in Canada amidst COVID-19: The Role of Mattering, Adaptation, Social Support, and Loneliness

Academic Qualifications

  • Ph.D. – Social/Personality Psychology – York University  
  • M.A. – Educational Psychology – Northeast Normal University
  • B.A. – Education & Psychology – Liaoning Normal University

BU Courses

  • 82.160    Introduction to Psychology
  • 82:161     Introduction to Psychology Part II
  • 82.276    Behavioural Analysis
  • 82.356    Psychology of Aging
  • 82.351    Research and Professional Development in Psychology
  • 82.457    Aging and Mental Health


Flett, G.L., Su, C., Nepon, T., Sturman, E.D., Ma, L., & Guo, L. R. (2023). Mattering, stress, and burnout in feelings of distress, defeat, and entrapment among Chinese high school students. Journal of Concurrent Disorders. DOI: 10.54127/CNKA2584. Retrieved from https://cdspress.ca/wp-content/uploads/2023/05/MS_MAR_2023_27_Flett-et-al_Proof_FINAL.pdf

Flett, G., Su, C., Nepon, T., Ma, L., & Guo, L. R. (2023). The general mattering scale: mattering versus self-esteem in predicting distress and psychosocial adjustment among early adolescents in China. The Journal of Concurrent Disorder. DOI: 10.54127/UXUO9895. Retrieved from https://cdspress.ca/wp-content/uploads/2023/03/MS_MS_FEB_2023_14_Flett_Proof_FINAL.pdf

Su, C., & Khanlou, N. (2023). The effects of stress, social support, experience of shame, and loss of face on mental health of Chinese immigrant mothers of children with developmental disabilities in Canada. INYI Journal, 11(2). Retrieved from https://inyi.journals.yorku.ca/index.php/default/article/view/92

Su, C., Yang, L., Dong, L., & Zhang, W. (2022). The Psychological Well-Being of Older Chinese Immigrants in Canada amidst COVID-19: The Role of Loneliness, Social Support, and Acculturation. International Journal Environment Research. Public Health 2022, 19, 8612. Retrieved from: https://www.mdpi.com/1660-4601/19/14/8612/htm

Su, C., Lee, T.-Y., & Flett, G. . (2022). Academic mothers during the COVID-19 pandemic: Stressors, strains, and challenges in adapting to work-life enmeshment. INYI Journal. Retrieved from https://inyi.journals.yorku.ca/index.php/default/article/view/95

Su, C. & Hynie, M. (2020). Chinese and Canadian identity on responses to the experience of shame and guilt. International Journal of Mental Health and Addiction. DOI: 10.1007/s11469-020-00350-9.

Su, C. & Hynie, M. (2019). A cross-cultural study on the experience of shame and guilt. In M. Zangeneh & A. Al-Krenawi (Eds.), Cultural, Diversity, and 7 Mental Health Enhancing Clinical Practice. (pp. 243-262). New York: Springer. DOI:10.1007/978-3-030-26437-6_14.

Su, C. & Hynie, M. (2019). A cross-cultural study on dimensions of shame and guilt between mainland Chinese and Euro-Canadians. In M. Zangeneh & A. Al- Krenawi (Eds.), Cultural, Diversity, and Mental Health Enhancing Clinical Practice. (pp. 263-284). New York: Springer. DOI:10.1007/978-3-030-26437- 6_14.

Flett, G., Khan, A., & Su, C. (2019). Mattering and psychological well-being in college and university students: A review and recommendations for campus-based initiatives. International Journal of Mental Health and Addiction, 1-14. DOI: 10.1007/s11469-019-00073-6

Su, C., Khanlou, N., & Mustafa, N. (2018). Chinese immigrant mothers of children with developmental disabilities: Stressors and social support. International Journal of Mental Health and Addiction, 16(1), 1-18. DOI: 10.1007/s11469-018- 9882-z

Flett, L. G., Su, C., Ma, L., & Guo, L. R. (2016). Mattering as a unique resilience factor in Chinese children: A comparative analysis of predictors of depression. International Journal of Child and Adolescent Resilience, 4(1), 91-102. Retrieved from https://www.ijcar-rirea.ca/index.php/ijcar-rirea/article/view/205

Flett, G. L., Hewitt, P.L., Su, C., & Flett, K.D. (2016). Perfectionism in language learners: Review, conceptualization, and recommendations for teachers and school psychologists. Canadian Journal of School Psychology, 31(1), 1-27. DOI: 10.1177/0829573516638462

Jennings, S., Khanlou, N., & Su, C. (2014). Public health policy and social support for immigrant mothers raising children with disabilities in Canada. Disability and Society, 29(10), 1645- 1657. DOI: 10.1080/09687599.2014.966804

Flett, L. G., Su, C., Ma, L., & Guo, L. R. (2014). Academic buoyancy and mattering: predictors of reducing psychological distress, shame, and social anxiety among Chinese adolescents. International Journal of Child and Adolescent Resilience, 2(1), 37- 45. Retrieved from https://www.ijcar-rirea.ca/index.php/ijcar-rirea/article/view/159

Su, C., & Hynie, M. (2012). Cross-cultural comparison of parenting stress and social support on maternal depression. In Y. Yuan (Eds.), Managing Ethno-Cultural Diversity in China and Canada: Comparative Perspective, (pp154-165). Shang Hai Jiao Tong University Press, (978-7-313- 08194-0).

Su, C. & Hynie, M. (2011). Effects of Life Stress, Social Support, and Cultural Norms on Parenting Styles among Mainland Chinese, European-Canadian, and Chinese- 8 Canadian Immigrant Mothers. Journal of Cross-cultural Psychology, 42(6), 945- 963. DOI: 10.1177/0022022110381124.