
BU currently benefits from a well-connected campus, with five public transit stop locations around its perimeter that connect to the rest of the city via Princess Avenue, Victoria Avenue, and 18th Street. However, there is room for improvement in Brandon University’s internal transit route network, that would bring students closer to the heart of the Campus. The Campus Master Plan emphasizes an enhanced public transit experience to and from the Campus and introduces a new transit route along Louise Avenue and 20th Street with two new bus stop locations.
The closer students are to the core of the Campus and in closer proximity to building entrances, the more willing they would be to use the transit system, especially in the colder seasons. This new route can be serviced by the City as an extension of a public transit route. It can also be provided as a Brandon University shuttle service, which connects to other Brandon University properties such as the Downtown Campus, as well as other institutions such as Assiniboine College. Incentives for transit should continue to be applied for a time until transit rider-ship becomes a primary mode of transportation to and from the Campus.
- Locate a transit stop on both Louise Avenue and 20th Street. Provide stops on both sides of the street to service drop-off and pick-up in both directions.
- Transit stops can be free standing and incorporated in the streetscape design. If so, they should be heated sheltered stops with seating and timing of service information provided within.
- Transit stops can also be integrated at-grade in the buildings fronting the street as part of the front lobby space, or internal public realm space. This allows for year-round comfortable and sheltered waiting areas.
- Internal transit waiting areas should be located in areas where there is a high degree of transparency to the street and transit stop locations so that users can see when buses are approaching.
- Bus stop location should have dedicated transit lay-bys to allow buses to pull over and stop without disrupting the flow of traffic.