Opportunities we choose

We can revitalize, grow, and improve ourselves by embracing these opportunities.

These opportunities are similar to each other in that they are largely internal to our campus although others in academia are also embracing them. These opportunities entail shift in worldview and campus culture, but those are things that we canĀ influence, and control. These opportunities are inclusive and supportive. They also allow us to model behaviour for other organizations, business, and for our wider community.


We must broaden perspectives to incorporate Indigenous worldviews, Indigenous knowledge, and Indigenous ways of teaching and learning

We will open ourselves to Indigenous culture and practice (outside of the classroom as well as inside)

We must fully acknowledge the harms of the past and make amends, working towards true Reconciliation.

Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion

Providing the opportunity for all people to fully realize and fulfill their potential is a moral requirement. Bringing broad perspectives to the table and listening to previously marginalized people means as a group we will make fairer and better decisions, and we will all benefit from talent that has been previously unrecognized.

Mental Wellness

We will take a holistic approach to wellness, including physical, mental, spiritual and other forms of wellness that may be less visible.

Our approach will also include recognition of the stress and strain that academia can cause, and its inequitable impact. We will work to destigmatize issues like anxiety and depression, to normalize the need for self-care, and to support all people towards mental wellness.